INGREDIENTS for 4 people:
- 500 g of De Angelis’ traditional Valeggio meat tortellini
- 500 g beef (preferably shoulder meat)
- 400 g of beef biancostato
- 100 g of carrots
- 660 g of celery
- 100 g of onions
- 40 g extra virgin olive oil
- 4 liters of water
- 40 g extra virgin olive oil
- 2 cloves
- salt to taste
- pepper to taste
To cook Tortellini in their most traditional version you need a perfect broth. Here is a great recipe stolen right from the local grandmothers…De Angelis takes care of the tortellini!
Wash and dry the vegetables carefully. Cut the celery and carrots into chunks and place in a very large high-sided pot. Cut the tomatoes and onion in half and put the former in the pot with celery and carrots, while browning the onion for a few minutes in the pan, turning it occasionally. Combine all the vegetables in the pot adding the cloves, salt and pepper to taste. Add the beef and biancostato to the pot with 3 liters of water and cook over high heat for about 2 hours until the stock is about half. Add the remaining water (1 liter) and cook for another hour on low heat. During this last hour, skim the broth to remove all impurities and excess fat from the surface. At the end of cooking, the broth should be less liquid and thicker. Remove the vegetables and meat pieces and strain the broth through a strainer. It is always best to taste the broth and, if necessary, adjust the flavor with salt to taste.
Finally, add the De Angelis valeggio tortellini and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Your traditional dish is ready to be served!
And now… turn up the volume!