The Shareholders’ Meeting of De Angelis Food S.r.l. resolved to transform the company into a joint-stock company (S.p.A.), a great achievement achieved thanks to the growth that De Angelis Food has undergone over the years and to the extraordinary evolution and uniqueness that has distinguished it on different occasions on a national and international level. The choice was made with the aim of confirming and strengthening the role of De Angelis in the sector of fresh unfilled and filled pasta, looking towards the future with new growth prospects and a special focus on innovation, applied research and the development of new projects. “Our goal,” says Paolo Pigozzo, CEO of De Angelis Food, “is to interpret and enrich the culture of Made in Italy food with creativity and innovation to satisfy an increasingly demanding market, with trends and lifestyles in constant evolution.” Coinciding with the corporate transformation, and in line with the strategic development plan, De Angelis consolidates its relationship with the companies that are part of the De Angelis Food Group. With fresh pasta alone, De Angelis Food closed 2021 with a turnover of 44 million euros, but the goal, 2022, is to rise to 60 million and reach 100 million as a group that encompasses, in addition to De Angelis pasta, Saordelmar – a fish delicatessen company, BevipiùNaturale – a natural beverage company, EmmeFood – a delicatessen specialist, Poker – a pasta maker, all present in the fresh Food & Beverage market.