
Fusilli with walnut cream and red turnip

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: fusilli, red beetroot, parmesan cheese, shelled walnuts, slice of homemade bread, fresh cream, shallot, salt, black pepper, evo oil, poppy seeds, bunch of mixed herbs

Baked Lasagna with kale and curry

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: puff pastry for lasagna, kale, cashews, milk, butter, flour, tablespoons curry powder, salt, pepper, evo oil.

Bigoli in the woods

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: bigoli, mixed mushrooms, dried porcini mushrooms, onion or shallot, knob of butter, egg yolks, grated aged cheese, salt, pepper, evo oil.

Tagliatelle cake

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: 00 flour, eggs, powdered sugar, teaspoon instant yeast, lemon, cold butter, granulated sugar, almonds, candied citron, Sassolino-type liqueur, fresh egg noodles, icing sugar.


Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: milk, maccheroncini, butter, 00 flour, cheddar cheese, salt, nutmeg to taste.

Tagliolini Alfredo

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: tablespoons salted butter, tablespoon chopped garlic, tablespoons flour, cream, milk, grated parmesan cheese, grated pecorino romano cheese, salt and pepper, tagliolini, parsley.

Cauliflower tagliatelle with shrimp, leek and monkfish

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: cauliflower tagliatelle, leek, butter, parmesan cheese, monkfish tail, shrimp tails, cream, nutmeg, salt, black pepper, evo oil, salvia, bunch of sage and rosemary

Sorrentina-style gnocchi

Video recipes of "2 chiacchiere in cucina".
Ingredients: potato gnocchi, tomato puree, evo oil, garlic, basil to taste, parmesan cheese to taste, mozzarella, eggplant, salt.

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