Before you start cooking tune in to our “Bigoli Filanti” Playlist. Enjoy!


  • 400 g De Angelis egg bigoli
  • 225 g guanciale in petals
  • 200 g fresh, cleaned broad beans
  • 4 fresh eggs
  • grated pecorino cheese
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste


Take a pot of water and boil it, once it comes to temperature add a tablespoon of coarse salt and cook the bigoli, which will be ready in 8 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a nonstick skillet, add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and heat the guanciale and the peeled and cleaned broad beans for several minutes.

Meanwhile, in a bowl beat the eggs with 3 or 4 tablespoons of grated pecorino cheese, add a little salt and some black pepper. Drain the bigoli and mix them inside the bowl with the egg. Finally, stir everything into the pot with bacon and fava beans, lightly blanch the egg.

Plate and serve. Our bigoli are ready to be enjoyed!